The Blog


Ohio and New Mexico Sign Concealed Carry Reciprocity Agreement

I am pleased that this agreement between Ohio and New Mexico will allow Ohioans who have concealed carry permits the same rights to carry a concealed handgun in the State of New Mexico, as well as New Mexicans who have concealed carry permits to do the same in Ohio” said Attorney General DeWine

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3 Factors When Buying A Handgun for Personal Protection

there is one recurring topic that most students really want to discuss with me… What Gun To Buy. I try to avoid this topic of conversation for several reasons. First off, there are far to many opinions among gun enthusiasts to make this a safe topic of discussion. Gun people are extremely passionate and

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Salt Lake Tribune Publishes Story About Illegal Gun Sales in Utah

This news story has made me think a little about private sales of firearms. Let me put forward the following recommendations to those of you who are considering selling a gun privately:

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NRAU: NRA Program for Local Universities

The NRA has announced a special program designed to help educate college level students about gun rights, current legislation, and the gun control debate. I for one am very excited about this program. No matter what side of the issue people stand on, we can all use more EDUCATION. Granted you could expect this 2 hour seminar to be a little one sided but there are sure to be many golden nuggets of information.

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Liberty University in Lynchburg Virginia Removes Gun Ban

Guns on campus are a sensitive issue in Virginia after the 2008 Virginia Tech incident. Now a private Christian University has removed a ban that previously banned all firearms from campus property. The new policy allows visitors, students, faculty, and staff with valid concealed weapons permits to store weapons in locked cars. Students can also apply for permission from campus police to carry a firearm on the exterior grounds. The policy also allows some faculty and staff to carry weapons inside buildings with permission granted on a case-by-case basis by campus police.

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Sen. Orrin G. Hatch Speaks Out About Firearm Legistlation

Recently Sen Orrin Hatch wrote an article entitled “Protecting our constitutional right to keep and bear arms requires constant vigilance.” Its a great summary of some of the wins that we have achieved at the national level over the last several years. It also speaks out clearly as to the Utah philosophy in regards to firearms.

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Nevada Passes Law Allowing Firearms in State Parks

The legislative commission in Nevada has repealed a law that prohibited carrying firearms in State parks. The law still prohibits discharge of a firearm in state parks with obvious exceptions. Nevada state law still protects the rights of self defense of course.

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House Passes National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill

Well, the house finally passed a bill that essentially would make all states who issue concealed carry permits, honor permits from any state. This would take a lot of the guess work out of the national travel problems that current concealed carry holders face.

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